Next tour: Saturday 28 March 2020, 11am.
Meet: Beetham Tower Entrance on Deansgate.
Booking: Please press here to book with eventbritus.
What you need to know: Please bring typical Roman lunch: snails fattened on milk, peacocks’ brains and flamingos’ tongues.
What you need to remember: Sic Transit Omnibus Superbus.
Cost: 11 obols.
That word: “Manchester”. Where does it come from?
Forget what Jeanette Winterson said on Radio 4. It’s nothing to do with the Roman “Mamucium” (place of the breast-shaped hill).
On this ancient walk we explore Manchester from the earliest days – before the Romans – to the arrival of the invading force from southern Europe with their pagan gods and Latin homework primers and their role in creating Mamucium, Mancestre and … Manchester.