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Manchester’s Formidable Women ZOOM tour

06/02/2021 2:30 pm
06/02/2021 3:45 pm

Next event is on Zoom: Saturday 6 February 2021, 2.30pm.
Meet: On your computer.
Booking: Please press here to book with eventbrite.

These formidable women…
* Annie Horniman, who established Britain’s first repertory theatre company.
* Elizabeth Gaskell, who wrote Mary Barton, one of the classic “condition of England” novels in 1848.
* Hannah Mitchell, who challenged Churchill at St John’s School during the Suffragette era.
* Shelagh Delaney who pioneered modernist theatre with her groundbreaking A Taste of Honey.
* Ellen Wilkinson – “Red Ellen” who accompanied the Jarrow miners to London.
* Kathleen Ollerenshaw, who overcame deafness to become Lord Mayor, a leading educationalist, mathematician and advisor to Margaret Thatcher (now what sort of job is that for a Mancunian?!).
* Sylvia Pankhurst, Britain’s greatest political campaigner.

These are just some of the heroic Manchester women we will be celebrating.

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