Cultural Tours of Manchester – Designed Just for Your Group!

Book your group for an intensely satisfying intellectually enriching cultural tour of the capital of the North – Manchester – home to one of the greatest Pre-Raphaelite collections, stamping ground of Gaskell, Dickens and Thomas de Quincey, base for the Halle Orchestra, setting for some of the most stimulating examples of Victorian architecture in the country.

This is Manchester, the city of Waterhouse, Worthington, Walters and Wood; Barbirolli, Burgess and the BBC Philharmonic; where the gallery walls are filled with Millais, Rossetti, Holman Hunt and Ford Madox Brown, and the streets are lined with Classical temples, Gothic spires and Baroque beauty.

Contact Ed Glinert, Arts Society lecturer, cruise ships speaker, Penguin author and the country’s most prolific tour guide on info@newmanchesterwalks, 07769 29 8068 for a bespoke cultural experience tailor made for your group:

* Perhaps a morning architecture tour of the city’s Victorian gems, a trip to the Elizabeth Gaskell House, or a close look at the Pre-Raphaelite paintings in the Art Gallery.
* Followed by lunch at the gorgeous Georgian Portico Library
* Finished off with a tour of Charles Dickens’s Manchester or an afternoon of literary anecdotes, stories of the Halle Orchestra and Manchester’s music history, or an in-depth view of the city’s art treasures.

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