Marx & Engels – Walkers of the World Unite!

Next tours:
* Sun 4 March 2018.
Part 1, 10.45am, Engels statue, HOME.
Part 2, 1pm, St Ann’s Church,

* Sun 5 May 2018. Marx 200 birthday special
Meet Engels Statue, HOME, 2.30pm.

* Fri 8 June 2018.
Marx & Engels pub walks: Drinkers of the world unite!
Meet St Ann’s Church, 6pm.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, pioneers of communism, devout politicos, rabble-rousers, rebels, radicals and revolutionaries, came to Manchester on many occasions in the mid-19th century to see the effect capitalism was having at the coal-face of the Industrial Revolution. Indeed Engels was a cotton merchant, one of the very capitalists he despised.

Such irony! What a dilemma! 

Join that well-known polemicist and rhetorician Ed Glinert (credited in the introduction of Francis Wheen’s biography of Karl Marx).


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