You’ve made a great choice, logging on to New Manchester Walks, the website of the city’s group of professional tour guides. We have crafted a unique body of walks, talks and tours covering every aspect of history in and around Manchester, the world’s first industrial city – the industrial strength city.

We run a regular programme of public walks (details on this website) and have devised bespoke tours on every subject imaginable – history, art, music, architecture, football, politics…

Here is a sample of some of our tours:

The Pankhursts/Suffragette City
How a Manchester family won women the vote, twice, in 1918 and 1928, amidst considerable opposition, not least of all from that failed local MP, Winston Churchill.

Manchester Music: The Hacienda Years
Forget Memphis and Merseybeat, Manchester is music city, home of some of the greatest acts ever commited to vinyl: the Smiths, New Order, The Fall, Joy Division, Buzzcocks, John Cooper Clarke…

The Peterloo Massacre
Ed Glinert of New Manchester Walks has made a forensic study of the most dramatic event in English political history, 200 years old next August. He has also worked with Mike Leigh, director of the Peterloo film, and Paul Foot, author of Red Shelley (the poet Shelley wrote the great Peterloo epic, The Masque of Anarchy).

Manchester’s Spectacular Architecture
From the perfect golden ratio proportions of the Friends’ Meeting House to the baroque splendour of the Castlefield Library; from the towering Gothic majesty of the Town Hall to the Italianate impress of the Athenaeum.

Marx & Engels in Manchester
Glinert was once a member of a local Trotskyite cell so select its members were all given secret names. He can’t remember his.

The Pre-Raphaelite Women of the Art Gallery
They dazed and dazzled. They starred and shone. They glowed and gleamed through the canvas and the frames. They were amongst the most feted women of the 19th century, captured for all time in intensely saturated luminous colour by William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and their circle. They were the Pre-Raphaelite women, featured in some of the most important British paintings ever created including Autumn Leaves, Astarte Syriaca, Work, The Light of the World and The Hireling Shepherd which live in Manchester Art Gallery.

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