It might be the Chinese year of the cockerel, but in Manchester it’s the year of the Burgess – Anthony Burgess – our greatest ever writer in this his centenary year. The Manchester Evening News afforded New Manchester Walks’s Ed Glinert a page special on Friday 24 February, a day before the late great man’s 100th birthday. We ran our regular “Anthony Burgess’s Manchester” walk on the day itself and it will be repeated during the Manchester International Festival on Monday 3 July (1.30pm from St Ann’s Church). Nearer the time we will publish our guide to the great writer’s Manchester haunts on our website.

A big thankyou to the people of Manchester and the rest of the world for supporting our walks. 66 for the Peterloo Massacre, 40 on the canal cruise, 35 for the Midland Hotel, 37 for the Pankhursts over the last couple of weeks. Keep on coming, especially for a special “Russian Manchester” on Wednesday 8 March to mark the centenary of the start of the Russian Revolution. It’s a 1.30 start from Victoria Station wallmap, which is as close as we could get to the Finland Station where the thousands greeted Lenin off the train from Germany in spring 1917.

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