Discover Manchester’s History

Next tour: Wednesday 16 September 2020. 
Central Library, St Peter’s Square, 10.45am.
Booking: Please press here to book with eventbrite.

Hear how Manchester became the world’s greatest industrial city and a cultural epicentre with the city’s expert historian, Ed Glinert.

We will explore the history of Manchester’s greatest buildings and visit the key sites:
* The Library that looks like the Pantheon.
* The woman who won the fight to give the vote to the half of the population that didn’t have it.
* The famous hotel where Rolls DIDN’T meet Royce.
* The magnificent Gothic library housing one of the world’s greatest collections.
* The site of Britain’s most dramatic political event.
* The famous building where the Manchester music scene was invented.
* The church that houses the greatest new religious paintings of the 20th century.

And more, much more.

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