At a Glance: Walks A-Z

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What a useful feature! No more scrabbling around the leaflet desperately trying to find when the Charles Dickens’ Manchester walk or the Old Docks tour is taking place (and then only finding out the day after).

Now you can see at a glance what’s on and when.

Please note
This feature is not a complete guide to all our tours: just the most popular ones so that customers can see at a glance when they’re on.

* For details of what time the tours start and where to meet, please go to the Calendar.


7 Wonders of Manchester Fri 6 Nov, 1pm.

Adolphe Valette Thu 22 Oct, 1.30pm.
Alan Turing’s Manchester Sat 24 Oct, 11am.
Alderley Edge Next tour in the spring.
Architecture: Masterpieces of Art, Architecture & Design Sat 7 Nov, 2pm.


Canal Cruise (with Historic Commentary): Thu 10 Dec, 11am. Sun 27 Dec,  11am.
Castlefield Explorer Next tour in the spring.
Cathedral & Chetham’s Mon 26 Oct + Mon 23 Nov, 1.45pm.
Central Library Wed 11 Nov, 1.30pm.
SOLD OUT..! Charles Dickens’s Manchester Fri 23 Oct, 12 noon.
Chinatown (Undiscovered Chinatown)Mon 2 Nov, 1.30pm.
Clock Tower Tours: Many dates in November & December. Please book with

Edwardian Manchester (By popular request!) CANCELLED
Elizabeth Gaskell Coach Tour
Sun 18 Oct, 11am.
Elizabeth Gaskell’s Manchester (talk at Central Library) Mon 9 Nov, 1pm.
SOLD OUT..! Elizabeth Gaskell’s Manchester (walk) Tue 13 Oct, 1.30pm.
Engels Birthday Walk,CANCELLED.

Gorton & its Industry (Gorton Monastery talk) Sun 11 Oct, 12 noon.

** Shameless cash-in** Jeremy Corbyns Manchester CANCELLED
John Dalton’s Manchester
Sat 24 Oct 2.30pm.
John Rylands Library October undecided + Fri 13 Nov, 1.30pm. 

John Rylands Library







ALMOST SOLD OUT..! Literary 1st Editions & Rarities Thu 22 Oct, 1.30pm.

Manchester by Moonlight
Tue 3 Nov, 7.30pm.
Tue 17 Nov, 7.30pm.
Tue 1 Dec, 7.30pm.
Tue 15 Dec, 7.30pm.
Manchester Fights Back Thu 15 Oct, 1.30pm.
Manchester Pals, Thu 12 Nov, 1.30pm.

Manchester Town Hall Usually Tuesdays & Saturdays’ at 11am but due to building availability this may change so please check calendar.

Marx & Engels in Manchester (talk at Gorton Monastery) Sun 15 Nov, 12 noon.
Music: Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll Sat 26 Sep, 3pm.

Northern Powerhouse:
(i) Manchester (Cradle of Industry) 
Wed 28 Oct, 12 noon.
(ii) Cotton (the citys main industry in the dirty days) CANCELLED.

Old Docks/Salford Quays Not till the spring.

Pankhursts/Suffragette City CANCELLED
Politics & Poverty Thu 5 Nov, 1.30pm.
Pre-Raphaelites, Thu 26 Nov, 1.30pm.

Railways – Manchester, Home of the World’s 1st Railway Sat 31 Oct, 2.30pm.

Salford Crescent & Peel Park Next tour in the spring.
Secret History of Manchester CANCELLED
Science in Manchester: Computer Says “Yes!”
Sun 1 Nov, 12 noon. 

10 Manchester Inventions That Shook the World (Central Library talk) Mon 12 Oct, 1pm.
10 Manchester Inventions That Shook the World (walk) Sat 31 Oct, 11am.
Tory Manchester Sat 3 Oct, 3pm.
Town Hall Tour (Manchester) Usually Tuesdays & Saturdays’ at 11am but due to building availability this may change so please check calendar.
Trafford Town Hall – the official tour

Women of Manchester Next tour during Wonder Women week in March.
SOLD OUT..! Wuthering Heights/Literary West Yorkshire Coach Tour Sun 25 Oct, 10.30am.

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