The Manchester Literary Pub Tour

Next tour: No public dates yet.
Private Tours: We await your thirsty literary-tuned customers.
Start: Outside the Midland Hotel, time tbc.
Booking: with eventbrite, when we get dates.

“It was the best of pints; it was the the worst of pints.”

So begins Charles Dickens’s classic drinking novel, An Ale of Two Cities. Indeed the ghosts of Dickens and of Anthony Burgess, Brendan Behan and Thomas De Quincey haunt the barstools and taprooms of many a Manchester tavern. To find them we’ll go to the Bank below the Portico Library and the Peveril of the Peak, still standing in all its green tiled glory, the shape mesmerisingly fanciful, the clothes line slung over the roof garden, named after Walter Scott’s 1823 novel. And as good bohemians we’ll drink in tales of opium eaters and clockwork oranges, and raise a glass to the forgers of fanciful fables.

Bohemian Literary The Bank pub



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