Manchester in 10 Songs

As Ian Curtis sang: “I’ve been waiting for a guide…”

Next tour: No dates yet.
Meet: Central Library, St Peters Square, time tbc.
Private tour:
Please contact New Manchester Walks

The sounds of the city, courtesy of the Smiths, the Fall, Elbow, Joy Division, Bob Dylan, John Cooper Clarke… 

We will walk in search of the stories that chime with the sounds that have made Manchester one of the world’s greatest music centres.

New Manchester Walks has picked 10 stone cold classics which link with city centre landmarks and can tell an enthralling story.

Along the way we will stop at Canada House where Morrissey once had a proper job, as recalled in “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now”. We will stop at the Hidden Gem church where Tony Wilson’s funeral service was held. Part of the soundtrack emanating from the Rhenish stones that tragic day was Joy Division’s “Atmosphere”.

As for the other songs, you’ll have to come on the walk…

Bus StopAtmosphereHeaven Knows-Johnnie Marr

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