Marple & the Roman Lakes to Disley

Next tours: 2019, to be decided.
Meet: outside Marple Station, time tbc.

What a walk! This is going to be a long trek, through some of the most pleasing and delightful countryside in the region, so build up some reserves of energy and clean your boots.

We start at Marple station and head downhill to the most delightful village centre in the region: Marple Bridge. A quick potter and then along Low Lea Road which takes us through some proper countryside (hawthorns, hedgerows, horses) to the picturesque Roman Lakes and the archaeologically-rich site of Samuel Oldknow’s Mellor Mill.

We then plough on through the pastures, by the canals, to Strines, finishing off at Disley. That’s what you call a walk!

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