Ghosts, Ghouls & Gore – It’s A Grave Night Out!

Next tour: Mon 3 September 2018.

Meet: Victoria station wallmap, 5.30pm.

Booking: Please book here on eventbrite.

Beware: Headless corpses, ice maidens, necromancers and the unspeakable awfulness of being buried alive.

This is haunted Manchester at its most heinous and horrible. We warn you not to go too close to Father Ambrose’s hidden skull lest the tortuous screams of his troubled soul torment you to eternity.

Relive the nightmare of digging up the grave of a dear, departed one only to find the head missing. Beware the dangers of walking too close to the river in case you hear the cries of the ice maiden of Manchester crying out to be rescued.

Can you resist such an invitation? Can you resist coming on a night of gore and gruesomeness? Dare you ever close your eyes again?

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